A huge population of students and friends always seem to be relaxing with their computers once in a while.. I relax with a heavy dose of C/C++ or PHP ... :D
However, I was referring to the general 'normal' population that aims to play games and chill out. Even experienced and seasoned experts 'know', Games and Linux do not mix. So what do I do? I blog!
Here's a list of many games, I have enjoyed (or tested out rather :P) on my customized Rage-Nix OS... and a variety of other OS-es too... including Ubuntu 10.04, Mandriva 2009, Slackware 12, Mint 5, etc. Many require updated GLibC, and will not work on old ones (GLIBC > 2.1)... By old I am referring to pre 2009 era... :)
NOTE: These are all NATIVE games... not emulated by WINE or any other emulator... :)
Enough of slack, here it comes:
However, I was referring to the general 'normal' population that aims to play games and chill out. Even experienced and seasoned experts 'know', Games and Linux do not mix. So what do I do? I blog!
Here's a list of many games, I have enjoyed (or tested out rather :P) on my customized Rage-Nix OS... and a variety of other OS-es too... including Ubuntu 10.04, Mandriva 2009, Slackware 12, Mint 5, etc. Many require updated GLibC, and will not work on old ones (GLIBC > 2.1)... By old I am referring to pre 2009 era... :)
NOTE: These are all NATIVE games... not emulated by WINE or any other emulator... :)
Enough of slack, here it comes:
- Nexuiz (http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/)
- BosWars (http://www.boswars.org/)
- Alien Arena (http://icculus.org/alienarena/rpa/)
- Astro Menace (http://www.viewizard.com/astromenace/index_linux.php)
- Secret Mario Chronicles (http://www.secretmaryo.org/)
- Tremulous (http://tremulous.net/)
- Urban Terror (http://www.urbanterror.info/news/home/)
- S.C.O.U.R.G.E. (http://scourgeweb.org/tiki-index.php)
- Warsow (http://www.warsow.net/)
- Battle for Wesnoth (http://scourgeweb.org/tiki-index.php)
- Armagetron Advanced (http://www.armagetronad.net/)
- Mania Drive (http://maniadrive.raydium.org/)
- Glest (http://glest.org/)
- WarZone 2100 (http://wz2100.net/)
- FlightGear (http://www.flightgear.org/)
- Chicken Invaders (http://www.interactionstudios.com/chickeninvaders.php)
- Frets on Fire (http://fretsonfire.sourceforge.net/)
- Gorky 17 (http://www.gorky17.com/)
- Super TuxCart (http://supertuxkart.sourceforge.net/)
- Open Transport Tycoon Delux aka OpenTTD (http://www.openttd.org/en/)
- Assault Cube (http://assault.cubers.net/)
- World of Padman (http://padworld.myexp.de/)
- TORCS (http://torcs.sourceforge.net/)
- Cuba Letra (http://tweeler.com)
- Go Ollie! (http://tweeler.com)
- Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory (http://www.splashdamage.com/)
- Fish Fillets NG (http://fillets.sourceforge.net/)
- Sauerbraten (http://sauerbraten.org/)
- Chromium BSU (http://reptilelabour.com/software/chromium/)
- NeverBall (http://neverball.org/)
- NeverPutt (http://neverball.org/)
- Egoboo (http://egoboo.sourceforge.net/)
- Frozen Bubble (http://www.frozen-bubble.org/)
- Racer (http://www.racer.nl/)
- VDrift (http://vdrift.net/)
- World of Goo (http://www.worldofgoo.com/)
- Abe's Amazing Adventure (http://abe.sourceforge.net/)
- Pang Zero (http://apocalypse.rulez.org/pangzero)
- tuxmath (http://tux4kids.alioth.debian.org/tuxmath/)
- Biniax 2 (http://mordred.dir.bg/biniax/index2.html)
- Lugaru (http://www.wolfire.com/lugaru)
- Cuba Letra (http://www.charliedoggames.com/?page_id=94)
- LBreakOut2 (http://lgames.sourceforge.net/index.php?project=LBreakout2)
- Atomic Worm (http://www.charliedoggames.com/?page_id=42)
- Torus Trooper (http://www.emhsoft.com/ttrooper/)
- GTk Board Games (http://gtkboard.sourceforge.net/)
- Dirk Dashing (http://www.dirkdashing.com/)
- GL-117 (http://www.heptargon.de/gl-117/gl-117.html)
- Pingus (http://pingus.seul.org/)
- Scorched 3D (http://www.scorched3d.co.uk/)
- Widelands (http://wl.widelands.org/)
- SuperTux (http://supertux.lethargik.org/)
Some I have not tried out are listed now. You can try them out and comment..
- Memonix (http://www.viewizard.com/memonix/index_linux.php)
- Eschalon: Book I (http://basiliskgames.com/eschalon-book-i)
- Eschalon: Book II (http://basiliskgames.com/eschalon-book-ii)
- Penumbra Collection (http://www.penumbragame.com/)
- Powermanga (http://linux.tlk.fr/games/Powermanga/)
- Open Mortal (http://apocalypse.rulez.org/~upi/Mortal/)
Sites for even more Games :
- http://www.linuxgamepublishing.com/
- http://www.mygamecompany.com/linux.htm
- http://www.linuxgames.com/
- http://www.linux-gamers.net/
- http://www.linux-games.com/
- http://www.happypenguin.org/
- http://www.liflg.org/?catid=6
Well so far so good. The game developers are looking up and recognizing this wonderful platform as their choice...
Any games you would like to add?
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